How to make a comic strip

How to make a comic strip

The proper process of creating a comic strip

Creating comic strip is much easier than making a comic book. However it is not that simple and there is a method to follow in order to guarantee the success of your comic creation.

Quick tips before making comic strips

1.) Select a form of comic strip you want to make. Two common forms are print comic strips and online comic strips, or known as webcomics. The materials you need will depend on the form of comic strip you choose to create.

2.) Decide who are your targeted audience. This can help you when developing your comic strips by keeping your readers in mind.

Art materials needed to create a comic strip

For print comic strips:

  • pencil (blue mechanical pencil is preferable)
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • drawing paper
  • pens, markers or water colors

For online comic strips or webcomics:

  • computer
  • Graphic Tablet or Tablet Pc
  • Photoshop or Corel Painter
  • Scanner
  • Internet connection

Process on how to make a comic strip

Step 1: Conceptualize an idea for your comic strip

Know what you want to achieve. Will your comic strip be comical? Or poignant? How can you make your own comic strip stand out?

Who are the characters? What sort of personalities or qualities you want to endow to each character?

The way to find that out is to get a writing pad and start to write what you want to see, or your targeted audience wants to read in your comic strip.

Step 2: Make a layout of your comic strip

Draw the boxes or cells of your strip. Determine how many panels you want to create. You can choose whether you want each panel in a horizontal or vertical format, depending which serves best to your story.

Step 3: Sketch out your comic strip

Once done with the layout, you can make primary sketches. Draw the comic art of your strip such as characters, setting, and props of your strip lightly using a pencil. Add things that you deem necessary to your comic strip, or erase those are not.

If you are using a computer installed with appropriate comic book creation software such Photoshop or Corel Painter, you can draw your preliminary sketches directly on your PC’s screen.

Step 4: Inking your comic strip

When preliminary sketches are done, it is time to give the strip a distinctive tone, texture and proper shading through inking. Using an appropriate pen for inking comics, make sure to keep the balance of white, grays, and black.

Inking your comic strip on your computer would be less strenuous if you know how to use Photoshop or Corel Painter. With you computer, you can easily do your editing without ruining your drawing.

Step 5: Adding colors to your comic strip

Put life into your comic strip by adding colors. This is the stage wherein you can convey the emotions, or add atmosphere, you want through colors. You can be more creative and have fun choosing the right colors for great appeal of your strip.

Step 6: Lettering your comic strip

When adding the text to your strip, you can use a pencil, write in long-hand, and trace the letters later with an inking pen, or you can do it directly on your computer.

Lettering comic strips involves adding the texts, putting in speech bubbles and sound effects like “bang” or “ahhhhh” where they are needed.

Step 7: Publishing your comic strip

You are done with your work. It is time to print your comic strip, or scan it on your computer, and publish it on your website.

Websites to make a comic strip

You have another good option to go if you are not yet ready to create it on your own, using your own materials and resources. The option is to use a comic strip generator or maker offered free by the following websites:


One advantage of using these websites to make a comic strip is that they are very easy to use. It is just a matter of clicking which panel you want to use, pick a character or characters, add some objects, select an appropriate background, and type in the texts with their thought balloons.

Once you are finished, you can just print your comic strip or published it online. Another benefit using a comic strip maker website is that you can practice in writing a dialogue, or comic strip conversations.

The downside, however, is that you are limited when it comes to applying your creativity. Also, the websites to make a comic strip are designed for kids’ activities.

Dos and Don’ts on how to make a comic strip

• Do keep the script of you comic strip simple.

• Don’t get discouraged when your first comic strip does not turn out good as you hoped it to be. You can always do better next time.

• Do get inspired by reading the works of established comic strip creators and artists.

• Don’t copy the works of others, but create something original.

An individual who has a strong interest in comic books and the culture surrounding them. Comic books are a form of printed or digital media that combines text and artworks that tell beautiful and interesting stories, often featuring characters with superhuman abilities and adventures. A comic fan, passionate about the medium and collect, read, discuss, and even create comic books.